Author on Focus: Lori M. Lee

Lori M. LeeLori was born in the mountains of Laos where her family relocated to a Thailand refugee camp for a few years and then moved permanently to the United States when she was three. She can’t remember any of it, and uses this excuse to insist she was raised by invisible flying unicorns. Like thestrals but less morbid.

She’s been writing since the third grade although quality has hopefully improved. Her first novel was a Mary Sue fantasy romance she wrote when she was a preteen. It contained many things preteens probably should not have been writing about. She blames her older sisters.

Other (random or otherwise) things about Lori:

• She doesn’t know her real birth date. Her legal one was given to her in the refugee camp. Apparently, the mountain villages don’t keep birth records. This means she is allowed to lie about her age. *cheers*

• She has two older sisters who embody the words fierce and fabulous.

• She is married to a social worker who fancies himself a comedian. She has no idea how this happened.

• She has a degree in Creative Writing.

• She loves unicorns. In the Zombies vs. Unicorns debate, unicorns obviously prevail.

• Her favorite category to read and write is Young Adult. Some might tell you it’s because she is mentally ten, but do not listen to them. Ten is obviously Middle Grade. If anything, she’s mentally fifteen.

• She has dreamed about being an author since she was eight.

Gates of Thread and Stone is her debut novel and is available now from Skyscape.


Gates of Thread and Stone Series:
1. Gates of Thread and Stone
2. The Infinite

Short stories:
1. The Piper
2. Keeper




Lori M. Lee – The Infinite

The Infinite
The Infinite
Author: Lori M. Lee
Series: Gates of Thread and Stone #2
Publishing date: 10 March 2015
Publisher: Skyscape
Status: to-read

The walls of Ninurta keep its citizens safe.

Kai always believed the only danger to the city came from within. Now, with a rebel force threatening the fragile government, the walls have become more of a prison than ever.

To make matters worse, as Avan explores his new identity as an Infinite, Kai struggles to remind him what it means to be human. And she fears her brother, Reev, is involved with the rebels. With the two people she cares about most on opposite sides of a brewing war, Kai will do whatever it takes to bring peace. But she’s lost her power to manipulate the threads of time, and she learns that a civil war might be the beginning of something far worse that will crumble not only Ninurta’s walls but also the entire city.

In this thrilling sequel to Gates of Thread and Stone, Kai must decide how much of her humanity she’s willing to lose to protect the only family she’s ever known.

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Lori M. Lee – Gates of Thread and Stone

Gates of Thread and StoneGates of Thread and Stone
Author: Lori M. Lee
Series: Gates of Thread and Stone #1
Publishing date: 5 August 2014
Publisher: Skyscape
Status: to-read

In the Labyrinth, we had a saying: keep silent, keep still, keep safe.

In a city of walls and secrets, where only one man is supposed to possess magic, seventeen-year-old Kai struggles to keep hidden her own secret—she can manipulate the threads of time. When Kai was eight, she was found by Reev on the riverbank, and her “brother” has taken care of her ever since. Kai doesn’t know where her ability comes from—or where she came from. All that matters is that she and Reev stay together, and maybe one day move out of the freight container they call home, away from the metal walls of the Labyrinth. Kai’s only friend is Avan, the shopkeeper’s son with the scandalous reputation that both frightens and intrigues her.

Then Reev disappears. When keeping silent and safe means losing him forever, Kai vows to do whatever it takes to find him. She will leave the only home she’s ever known and risk getting caught up in a revolution centuries in the making. But to save Reev, Kai must unravel the threads of her past and face shocking truths about her brother, her friendship with Avan, and her unique power.

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